Looting, sketching, porting, and VITA

Wow, what a ride the last few weeks has been..  Obviously it has been a bit quiet on the Heroes of Loot front, but don’t fear! the game is still on it’s way it just became one of those “big ones” like Gunslugs was. I want and need it to be as perfect as it can be on the first release so I basically took some time away from working on it or playing it and focussed on other stuff.   I’m almost done with all the other stuff (read below) and will return with a fresh look at the game which usually means I’m more open to changing or fixing things that are just not working.

The guys at Pixabyte took a very in-depth look at the latest Heroes of Loot build on desktop so if you are desperate for some HoL news check out this:

But I have been far from lazy !  I released Sketchbook Squad yesterday onto Google Play for free!  so make sure to check it out as it has some nice G+ game services integration (seriously google? couldn’t come up with a better name?!) a quick 6second trailer is here:

It’s really a simple game but doing games like that usually keep me sane while working on something big like HoL.

I updated Gunslugs with the G+ leaderboards and achievements, sadly the multiplayer stuff is gonna need some extra time and thinking since the game levels are all randomly made up as you play, it will be interesting to sync that across devices..

Besides that we (Gavin Harrison and me) are also doing a cool update for Meganoid:Grandpa’s chronicles. I added various effects, extra polish, and other tweaks and Gavin has created some awesome music which was missing from the game (it only had a single theme song).  I plan to bring the game to Desktop so it had to be a bit more rounded for a better experience..  I also hope to bring the game to PS Vita, which brings us to the next item on our list:


Yeah that’s right, I finally found a partner in crime near home with the fellow Dutch guys at Abstraction games, and they’ll help me get the game ported as native PS Vita game with some help from Sony on the sides..  it’s all gonna be awesome! And if all goes to plan it should open the doors for Meganoid and even Heroes of Loot to follow the way of the slugs!

It’s still a few months away from completion, but time can fly by pretty fast ;)

Next to all that it’s been mailing back and forth for some interviews, and some marketing stuff.  With Orangepixel logo’s shown at events like Nordic Games and Gunslugs also being played and shown at the same event.. it’s hectic times for sure! but it’s cool to see pictures like this with a cool Orangepixel logo amongst some much bigger companies in terms of manpower alone ;)




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